
XML to Base64 Encoder

World's simplest xml tool
Free online XML to Base64 converter. Just load your XML and it will automatically get encoded to Base64. There are no ads, popups or nonsense, just an awesome XML to Base64 encoder. Load XML, get Base64. Created for programmers by programmers from team Browserling.
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Base64 Line Length
Output encoded base64 as individual lines.
Symbols per line (default 76).
Outputs encoded base64 as a single long line.

What is a XML to Base64 Encoder?

learn more about this tool
This tool converts an XML (Extensible Markup Language) data structure to base64 encoding. It also lets you specify the maximum encoded line length and split output into chunks, or just output it as one continous string.

XML to Base64 Encoder examples

Click to use
XML Message
This example encodes an XML message to base64 and turns on line splitting every 40 characters.
<note> <from>Megan</from> <to>Grant</to> <heading>Reminder</heading> <body>Don't forget to update the website tomorrow.</body> </note>
PG5vdGU+CiAgPGZyb20+TWVnYW48L2Zyb20+CiAg PHRvPkdyYW50PC90bz4KICA8aGVhZGluZz5SZW1p bmRlcjwvaGVhZGluZz4KICA8Ym9keT5Eb24ndCBm b3JnZXQgdG8gdXBkYXRlIHRoZSB3ZWJzaXRlIHRv bW9ycm93LjwvYm9keT4KPC9ub3RlPg==
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Output encoded base64 as individual lines.
Symbols per line (default 76).
XML Waffles
In this example, we convert an XML food menu with two items to base64. Here we have selected the do-not-split option that turns off base64 chunks so you get one large base64-encoded string in the output.
<food_menu> <food> <name>Breakfast Waffles</name> <price>$4.40</price> <description> Two tasty, freshly cooked waffles with plenty of real Canadian maple syrup. </description> <calories>500</calories> </food> <food> <name>Strawberry Waffles</name> <price>$8.00</price> <description> Two tasty, freshly cooked waffles, filled with strawberries and whipped cream. </description> <calories>750</calories> </food>
Required options
These options will be used automatically if you select this example.
Outputs encoded base64 as a single long line.
Pro tips Master online xml tools
You can pass input to this tool via ?input query argument and it will automatically compute output. Here's how to type it in your browser's address bar. Click to try!
All xml tools
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Quickly convert an XML data structure to Base64 encoding.
Quickly decode a Base64-encoded XML data structure.
Quickly convert an XML file to URL percent-encoding.
Quickly convert a URL percent-encoded XML file to XML.
Quickly convert an XML file to a plain text document.
Quickly edit an XML document in a browser-based XML editor.
Coming soon These xml tools are on the way
Display XML Statistics
Display detailed information about an XML data structure.
Visualize XML
Convert XML to a visual image that represents its structure.
Compare Two XML Files
Diff XML documents and show file differences visually.
Truncate XML
Loop over XML and truncate tags, elements, or values.
Convert XML to a Table
Draw a table from XML data.
Convert XML to Bencode
Convert an XML document to Bencode encoding.
Convert Bencode to XML
Convert Bencode data structure to XML file.
Convert XML to BXML
Convert an XML file to a binary XML (BXML) file.
Convert BXML to XML
Convert binary XML (BXML) to regular XML.
Convert XML to IXML
Convert an XML file to an invisible XML (IXML) file.
Convert IXML to XML
Convert invisible XML (IXML) to regular XML.
Convert XML to BSON
Convert an XML document to Binary JSON (BSON).
Convert BSON to XML
Convert BSON (Binary JSON) to XML data structure.
Convert XML to TOML
Convert XML configuration to TOML configuration.
Convert TOML to XML
Convert TOML configuration to XML configuration.
Convert XML to a Data URI
Convert an XML config to data URL encoding.
Convert a Data URI to XML
Convert a data URL to an XML config.
Convert XML to a PHP Array
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Convert XML to XLS
Convert an XML file to an Excel file.
Convert XLS to XML
Convert an Excel spreadsheet to an XML document.
Convert XML to PDF
Convert an XML file to a PDF file.
Convert PDF to XML
Convert a PDF document to an XML document.
Convert XML to Properties
Convert an XML file to a properties file.
Convert Properties to XML
Convert a properties file to an XML file.
Convert XML to SQL
Generate an SQL query from an XML file.
Convert SQL to XML
Generate an XML file from an SQL query.
Convert XML to INI
Convert an XML file to an INI file.
Convert INI to XML
Convert an INI file to an XML file.
Find XML Nesting Depth
Find how many levels deep is the given XML.
Replace XML Keys
Replace XML keys that match a pattern with new keys.
Replace XML Values
Replace XML values that match a pattern with new values.
Replace XML Comments
Replace XML comments that match a pattern with new comments.
Find XML Keys
Find certain keys in an XML file.
Find XML Values
Find certain values in an XML file.
Filter an XML File
Filter XML keys and values that match a pattern.
Flatten an XML
Extract all keys and values of an XML document as a flat list.
Extract All XML Keys
Extract only the keys from an XML document.
Extract All XML Values
Extract only the values from an XML document.
Extract All XML Comments
Extract only the comments from an XML document.
Remove All XML Comments
Delete all comments from an XML file.
Add Errors to XML
Add subtle errors in an XML document.
Change XML Syntax
Replace angle braces and quotes with other characters.
Use Double Quotes Everywhere
Normalize XML quotes in attributes to double quotes.
Use Single Quotes Everywhere
Normalize XML quotes in attributes to single quotes.
Generate XML Art
Convert an image to a valid ASCII-art like XML document.